Written by Eimi Nishihira
This week, November 13-17 was American Education week. According to the National Education Association, these festivities honor the people who work in our nation’s public schools including bus drivers, teachers, cafeteria workers, administrative staff and much more. Every day of the week had a different theme.
American Education Week was started by the National Education Association in 1921. Representatives of the NEA and American Legion met in 1919 to seek a way to generate support for education after 25% of World War I draftees were found to be illiterate. In 1921. The NEA Representative Assembly called for the designation of one week out of the year to spotlight education. The first observance of American Education Week was December 4-10, 1921. This year went as followed:
Monday, November 13: Kickoff Day
Schools will celebrate excellence in education with kickoff events and activities. This includes teaching students about American Education Week, sharing artwork on social media, writing letters to the local newspapers thanking the community of public schools, writing essays, making cards to show support for educators.
Tuesday, November 14: Family Day
On this day, schools invite parents to the classroom to see what their children experience every day. Studies show that parents must have an active role in their child’s education to achieve success at school. Parent involvement leads to an improvement in student achievement, confidence, and reduces absenteeism. Parents can be more involved by reading to their children, checking, and doing homework every night, limiting screen time, forming relationships with their teachers, or just asking questions about school.
Wednesday, November 15: Education Support Professionals Day
Education support professionals (ESPs) go above and beyond their duties to meet the needs of their school communities. This day honors and advocates for ESPs who keep children safe and healthy. Some ways to celebrate are to make gifts for ESPs in your school or district, host an appreciation event or draft emails or letters to thank ESPs.
Thursday, November 16: Educator for a Day
On this day, community leaders are invited to experience the day of an educator to see the challenges of teaching. The visiting educator will perform duties such as teaching a class, doing lunch duties, recess supervision, etc.
Friday, November 17: Substitute Educators Day
Lastly, substitute teachers play a vital role in daily education, therefore, there is a day to encourage respect, advocate, and support substitute teachers. According to the NEA, substitute teachers provide critical links in public education by serving as a bridge between providing quality education while the educator is temporarily absent.
Thank you to our educators and school community at CentroNía!
Learn more at National Education Association