Phone: (202) 726-1275
Heriberto Velasquez, Senior Director for Early Childhood Education (ECE), holds a Master’s of Science in Administration (MSA) in Educational Administration from Trinity Washington University and a B.A. from Antioch College in Early Childhood, the field to which he has dedicated his efforts for the past 15 years. In his previous role as Educational Coordinator for CentroNía Institute, Mr. Velasquez co-wrote and published the CentroNía Institute Reflective Practice Approach (CIRPA), a toolkit for early care and education practitioners to strengthen their ability to sustain quality teacher-child interaction and to create a stimulating and content-rich educational experience for children through intentional planning, documentation, assessment & reflective practices.
In addition to being a certified CLASS Trainer & Observer for Infants and Toddlers, Mr. Velasquez completed a comprehensive weeklong training in the Infant and Toddler Environmental Rating Scale – Revised (ITERS-R), specially designed by the Environment Rating Scale Institute (ERSI) for coaching and technical assistance. His experience prior to his tenure at CentroNía includes serving as a volunteer social worker in Quito, Ecuador, and Morelia, Mexico.